花言葉黄:ユニークな視点 誕生花黄:3月8日 |
Floriography|Language of Flowers
- God’s love
- [yellow] Unique perspective
- [white] Stability
- [pink] Mother’s love
名前 |
科・属 | ナデシコ科ナデシコ属 |
学名 | Dianthus caryophyllus |
花の色 | 白、ピンク、黄、赤など |
開花時期 | 2~5月 |
原産国 | 南ヨーロッパ~西アジア |
関連する記事: #ナデシコ科の花|#カーネーション|#5月に咲く花
Language of flowers: “Unique perspective”.
People born on March 8 have a unique point of view. As indicated by the “yellow” color of the carnation, they are very individualistic. Their thoughts, lifestyle, and appearance are all different from those around them, and they sometimes find it difficult to be understood and to fit in with their surroundings. Because of the influence of Pisces, they also have the nature to try to break out of the status quo. You have an attraction to people, but under the influence of Saturn, you may seem difficult to approach. If you decide to do something, you have no trouble keeping quiet and doing the same job for years.
English text @hanna.iwanuma
星座 | 魚座 |
宮 | 柔軟宮 |
四元素 | 水 |
惑星 | 土星 |
関連する数字 | 38|8 |
Language of flowers: “God’s love”.
People born on March 26 have an honest and noble heart. They like simplicity and dislike conflict. When there is a problem, they think about the root of it and find a drastic solution. They like to sharpen their spirit and sometimes enjoy solitude. My work is always at my own pace. Therefore, I sometimes fail to be proactive when I should be, and sometimes lose out to pushy people. I excel at generating ideas.
English text @hanna.iwanuma
星座 | 牡羊座 |
宮 | 活動宮 |
四元素 | 火 |
惑星 | 土星 |
関連する数字 | 326|26|8 |
April 18 – Birthday flower “White carnation”.
People born on April 18 are very protective of their beliefs. They may try to protect the interests of the unfortunate as well as their own. Because of their strong sense of justice, friends, family, and associates will be their allies, but on the other hand, they may also make enemies. People born on this day are ruled by Mars, and Aries is also ruled by Mars. Therefore, it is important to control your aggressive side. Conflicts with others should be avoided as much as possible.
English text @hanna.iwanuma
星座 | 牡羊座 |
宮 | 活動宮 |
四元素 | 火 |
惑星 | 火星 |
関連する数字 | 418|18|9 |
May 5 – Birthday flower “Pink Carnation”.
Language of flowers: “Mother’s love”.
Those born on May 5 are tasked with teaching and guiding others, just as a mother educates her children. They are good at giving advice, awakening and motivating others, although they can go too far and meddle. In any case, the other person is important, so being ignored hurts those born on this day more than anything else. Also, people ruled by the number 5 have an attraction to taking risks.
English text @hanna.iwanuma
星座 | 牡牛座 |
宮 | 不動宮 |
四元素 | 地 |
惑星 | 水星 |
関連する数字 | 55|5 |